Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Video Killed the Rabbi Star

I hate seeing myself on video. I know that’s not exactly unique, but it’s true. But, when the JCC/Federation asked me to participate in their new “From the Bima” video series, I had to say “yes.” I had to, in part, because I love and support the JCC/Federation. But, I also think that if the Jewish Communal world doesn’t figure out how to leverage technology, and soon, we’re going to be digging ourselves a very, very deep hole!

So, my entry is now up on their website. I urge you to view it for two reasons:

  1. the teaching, while a bit too complex for me to do justice to in the minute I was allotted (and, yes, I am aware that I spoke for more than a minute. But no one tells a Rabbi to speak for a minute and then really expects him to do so, right?), is a really beautiful teaching that I just recently came across. It adds a spiritual dimension to the Kol Nidrei prayer that I hadn’t considered before, which promises to make hearing that prayer much more meaningful to me, this year.
  2. Someone at the J is tracking how many hits the various Rabbis get, and wouldn’t it be cool if I get more than anyone else? I mean, I know that these things aren’t important, but throw me a bone. I’m never going to actually be famous. But, I can be the most famous Tampa-based-Internet Rabbi. So, that would be something.

So, click on the video, and view it. Enjoy the teaching; I certainly loved learning it. And, then, have your friends click on it, too. You learn. I receive glory. Everyone wins.

Gamar Chatima Tova – may you be sealed in the Book of Life.


Phyllis Sommer said...

good for you for doing it! nice job.

Mike S said...

Well done, Rabbi.